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Resources and Materials

Tobacco use is a pediatric disease and most adult tobacco users initiate use during adolescence. Initiation is often connected to parental/peer tobacco use, exposure to tobacco imagery in movies and media, and targeted marketing of tobacco products to youth. Secondhand tobacco exposure is another critical health concern as it can affect a family physically and developmentally. 


Pediatricians play a critical role in addressing tobacco use and exposure with children, adolescents and families.  

Provider Resources:

The AAP has many resources for healthcare providers and clinical staff. See the materials below about AAP policies, best practices, and more.

AAP Resources

All resources from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Coding for Tobacco

Billing codes for tobacco use and nicotine dependence.

Talking to Teens

Talking to teens and youth about tobacco cessation. 

E-Cigarette Factsheet

Popular products and nicotine delivery systems.

NRT for Teens

Prescribing NRT to combat nicotine dependence in youth.

E-Cigarette Curriculum 

Fully treating nicotine dependence for youths.

Indiana Resources:

The Indiana State Department of Health has an extensive list of tobacco and e-cigarette resources available through its Tobacco Prevention and Cessation (TPC) Division. This includes a page specific to healthcare providers.  

TPC Website

All the resources from the Indiana Department of Health.

Vape-Free IN

Addressing teen tobacco use in Indiana.

Teen Resources

Resources for teen tobacco users and parents.

Quit Now Indiana

All the resources from the Indiana Tobacco Quitline.

How to Refer Patients

Referring patients to the Quitline from your clinic.

Free Provider Materials

Shop all of the free materials from the Indiana Quitline.

CEASE Newsletter Archive

See new available resources, research, and best practices each month with the CEASE newsletter.

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